Jordan Peterson’s Resignation is About One Thing: Money

Cash Rules Everything Around His Choices

Chris L. Butler
4 min readJan 20, 2022
Picture of Dr. Jordan Peterson. Photo Credit: BBC News (2016)

I have off and on followed the narrative surrounding Dr. Jordan Peterson since he emerged into the mainstream discourse. Not because I agree with him, but because I want to debate him someday. Given my status as a rising academic, and an Afro-Dutch immigrant from the U.S. to Canada, I believe Peterson’s version of reality to be out of touch, if not blatantly flagrant.

In his latest gaffe for the National Post, Peterson calls Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, D-I-E instead. He believes the Canadian and American tardy (but new) changes to match the modern world’s demographics are dangerous. Peterson believes that higher education is attempting to rid white straight men of the academy, in the name of “woke culture.”

Has he seen the academy lately? I wonder if he knows that in his home Province of Alberta (where I live), there are universities with entire humanities departments that contain no Black or Brown people on the faculty. Once again, Peterson demonstrates that he is only in touch with folks who get 90% of their news from unqualified reporting. He only wishes to speak to his echo chamber filled with unmitigated gall.



Chris L. Butler
Chris L. Butler

Written by Chris L. Butler

Black American writer living in Canada. Author of 3 chapbooks of poems, writer of essays. Culture critic.

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