From Pitfalls To Power: The Wakefield Brewster Story
Whether we choose to interact with it or not, art often shows up throughout various moments in our lives, speaking truths and inviting engagement. For some, this invitation to engage with creativity turns into a call; a call to become an artist. Wakefield Brewster is a first generation Bajan-Canadian. You may have seen Brewster at various events in Calgary over the last few years. He is currently participating in Arts Commons’ inaugural TD Incubator program and in 2019, was the first Poet Laureate at The Grand. If you’re lucky, you may have also had the chance to experience Brewster through one of his Wakefield Wellness initiatives. But who was Wakefield before he became one of our city’s most creative and dynamic voices? What made him answer the call of the stage? Why poetry? These were questions I wanted to know, as a journalist, but also as a Black poet trying to pave my own path in Calgary.
Early Inspirations
Brewster was inspired to perform at an early age, six to be exact. This inspiration came from music, the church, and specifically, his desire to master the church organ. (The poet did not awaken until Brewster was 16.) Brewster was told very quickly by the church organist that if he wanted to play the instrument he must first master the piano. So what did Brewster do? At age 12, he immediately switched to piano. In…